The Sustainable Development Goals are known worldwide as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In 2015, all 193 member countries of the United Nations (UN) adopted these 17 goals. These ambitious goals aim to achieve a sustainable world for all by 2030 in which no one is excluded.
The SDGs were developed as a blueprint for a better future, focusing on promoting prosperity, protecting the planet and ensuring peace. Each of the SDGs addresses specific problems and challenges facing the world. In this article, we explain the key elements of the 17 SDGs.
Below you can find a visual representation of the 17 SDGs:
How did the SDGs come about?
In 2000, eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were proposed by the United Nations with a target date of 2015. In 2015, a new, more comprehensive scheme was developed through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to be achieved by 2030.
Below we visually present the key moments from its inception:
Did you know: The SDGs were not only conceived within the walls of the UN. Everyone was able to help decide using an online poll where nearly 7.8 million people voted on their favorite themes!
What impact are the SDGs making?
The SDGs have already made a big impact since their introduction in 2015 to improve the planet and transform human lives. In recent years, the SDGs have mainly led to increased awareness and collaborative actions between different countries. Working together and uniting people is one of the most powerful aspects from the SDGs, ensuring that we can more quickly reach a shared vision for a better future.
What is the link between SDGs and ESG?
ESG is not a new concept, but builds on the sustainable concepts developed in the past. Consequently, the SDGs have a direct link to ESG, where we can assign each of the 17 sustainable development goals to one or more domains of ESG.
Below we show the visual link between the two concepts:
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