Titeca Kortrijk gets a new, temporary location.
On Monday, December 13 we are moving within the current business complex from to an office building just down the street, at the following address:
Titeca pro accountants & experts
President Kennedy Park 4
8500 Kortrijk
Meanwhile, we are excitedly looking forward in 2022 to a brand new office for Titeca Kortrijk, where we will have you proactive, productive, proWe will continue to take care of you professionally and above all personally. Naturally, we will inform you when we finally move into this new working environment.
Do you have any questions? We remain available by phone at the known number:
+32 (0)56 21 27 48.
We would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a 2022 that everyone dreams of.
Hope to see you soon!
Team Titeca Kortrijk