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Feeds d'Aussy, enterprise is in the blood here
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From pots to grains
Already in 1847, the company d'Aussy nv was founded, started as a brickyard/pottery. The company evolved from tannery to milling and oil butchery. "During the First World War, the activity stopped. The tannery came to a halt, the oil mill was paralyzed and the milling was dynamited. The oil butchery was restarted after the war." In 1937, the d'Aussy company was licensed to produce compound feeds. Julien d'Aussy, Stephan's father, was not afraid of investing and in 1980 built a new feed factory on the Torhout industrial estate, its current location.
Balanced entrepreneurship
Stephan is a no-nonsense entrepreneur. "We pursue a great relationship of trust with all our customers, transparency is our credo and our great asset. We know all our customers by name and their individual needs. If there are any problems, we react quickly. We are a medium-sized family business with sales in West and East Flanders. We are flexible, maneuverable and produce close to our customers. Voeders d'Aussy consists of a close-knit team, ... our customers have one point of contact."
"We invest a lot in technology, staff knowledge and innovation, which results in serious growth in sales and tonnage. We have a team of 20 employees and also organize the transport of the feeds in-house."

"Thanks to Titeca, our business structure is perfectly in place."
The recipe for success
"Indeed, we only work with 500 of our own carefully formulated recipes with the right nutritional value, supplements, ... all well-kept trade secrets. We also produce tailor-made feeds. This is not insignificant when you consider that the quality of the feed that we supply also literally determines the quality of the meat on the store shelf. All our feeds start in the field, we buy 50 % European raw materials, grains, wheat, barley, corn, oats, spelt and oilseeds rapeseed, linseed, soy from South America."
Fully automatic!
Looking at the size of the factory, it is a big surprise to discover that it is fully automated and controlled by only 1 employee and 1 warehouse worker. "We are growing with it, this is the future. We deliver 95% in bulk, the rest in bags and big bags. We work here 6 days a week, 24 on 24 in different shifts."
Strong together
"My father was a close friend of Henri Titeca. As a child I remember how my father and Henri Titeca, 2 great thinkers together, would philosophize about structures, patrimony companies, ... Thanks to Titeca our company structure is perfectly in place. When my father suddenly died, everything was already perfectly arranged thanks to Philiep Blomme, Titeca partner and manager of the Mouscron office. He is a foothold, a certainty we can always count on. The sector has changed enormously in 25 years, fortunately we have evolved with it. If my father hadn't built this factory here in '80, we wouldn't have been able to achieve the current increase in scale."
Thorcontrol and Voeders d'Aussy, side by side, service-oriented
In addition to d'Aussy cattle feeds, customers can also visit Thorcontrol, founded 10 years ago under the leadership of Dieter Pattyn, Stephan's right-hand man. Thorcontrol has grown out of the service of feeds d'Aussy.
"Our customers are 100 % livestock farmers and supplying livestock feed traditionally involves services, agricultural administration, environmental permits, advice on manure bank, premiums, VLIF regulations ... In 2011, the environmental permits of many of our customers expired. As a result, we received an increasing demand for specialized advice.
Thorcontrol is a study and advice agency for agriculture, environment, construction, premium, administration, ... But also the local business offices, entrepreneurs and self-employed of small and large SME's already appeal to the (VLAREM) environmental and construction advice of Thorcontrol. We are expanding, but we continue to serve mainly agricultural customers with a 5-person young and dynamic team of experts. With Thorcontrol we can also build a close relationship with the customers of Voeders d'Aussy and that in full confidence and the utmost respect."
Thorcontrol and Voeders d'Aussy, side by side, service-oriented
In addition to d'Aussy cattle feeds, customers can also visit Thorcontrol, founded 10 years ago under the leadership of Dieter Pattyn, Stephan's right-hand man. Thorcontrol has grown out of the service of feeds d'Aussy.
"Our customers are 100 % livestock farmers and supplying livestock feed traditionally involves services, agricultural administration, environmental permits, advice on manure bank, premiums, VLIF regulations ... In 2011, the environmental permits of many of our customers expired. As a result, we received an increasing demand for specialized advice.
Thorcontrol is a study and advice agency for agriculture, environment, construction, premium, administration, ... But also the local business offices, entrepreneurs and self-employed of small and large SME's already appeal to the (VLAREM) environmental and construction advice of Thorcontrol. We are expanding, but we continue to serve mainly agricultural customers with a 5-person young and dynamic team of experts. With Thorcontrol we can also build a close relationship with the customers of Voeders d'Aussy and that in full confidence and the utmost respect."
A glass entrepreneurial globe
The entrepreneurial objective? Stephan makes no bones about it. "Nobody has a crystal ball, the livestock industry is under pressure and the market is shrinking. We are helping to produce even better and more efficiently and to deliver the promised results.
A 6th generation would be nice, but you don't have to do it for that today, my children are now 16, 14 and 9 years old and they get all the freedom from us.
When you undertake you employ people and yet take on a great deal of responsibility. Entrepreneurship is not something you do alone. I have a fantastic and loyal team. I also enjoy doing it, even though it's a big challenge to do business in a complex environment."
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