To highlight our presence and the new office in Kortrijk, we organized a grand Entrepreneurs' Evening on Tuesday, May 16. Over 250 West Flanders entrepreneurs signed up for the event. They were introduced to the new normal by technology guru Peter Hinssen.
Since November last year, our Kortrijk colleagues have been active in the new building at 't Hoge in Kortrijk. Just before the Ascension weekend, enterprising people from Greater Kortrijk were invited to take a look at the office. After a welcome by partner and office manager Charlot Depoortere and one by partner Emmanuel Titeca, those present were shown around the different floors of the stately building by means of performances of the talents of Titeca employees.
A luxury tent had been erected in the parking lot where tech entrepreneur Peter Hinssen took the 250 attendees through The Never Normal. In an engaging exposé, Hinssen explained how his favorite 1995 book Being Digital by Nicholas Negroponte is still plenty relevant. With a wink, he made references to his family and his Apple Chapel in Mater, East Flanders, but most of all came up with a striking conclusion: "Times have never been more exciting than they are now. Ever since the computer Deep Blue managed to beat chess great Kasparov, nothing has been impossible or nothing unthinkable."
Be prepared was the message for the entrepreneurs in attendance who were able to chat afterwards over a walking dinner before the shuttle service provided took them back to their cars.