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Flanders goes electric: new project subsidy

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Also in 2021, the Flemish government will continue to focus on alternative fuels/energy, environmentally friendly vehicles and related infrastructure through a new project subsidy.

The theme of this call is the rollout of (semi-)public charging infrastructure for normal and high power for electric cars at locations outside the public domain or within the public domain, where the private legal entity has a right in rem on part of the public domain. 

Examples include supermarket car parks, sports grounds, recreational areas, school complexes, chain stores, business parks, filling stations, etc. Normal capacity refers to charging stations with a capacity of up to 22 kW. Above that we speak of high power. The charging stations must be equipped with standard connectors (type 2 and type Combo 2).

The call is still open through September 1, 2021.


1. Terms

  • The charging points are publicly accessible for at least 10 hours per 24-hour period. During that time, everyone must be able to charge his/her electric vehicle unconditionally.
  • All electric vehicle users can charge there through an ad hoc charging facility, without the need for a contract with the relevant electricity supplier or operator.
  • It must be possible to charge at the charge points using the most common charge cards and the prices must be in line with the market.
  • The charging stations are supplied with green electricity.
  • The 'do not significantly harm' (DNSH) principle is taken into account when installing and operating the charging stations.
  • The information about the charging points, such as location, power, accessibility is made available in open data formats and through open data exchange protocols to the designated organization.


The projects will have a maximum duration of 2 years from the notification of the selection of the project.


2. Amount

The maximum subsidy per project is 300,000 euros. This will allow investments to be reimbursed for the placement and smart connection of charging infrastructure at 20% of the cost with a maximum of €1,000 per charge point equivalent (CPE) realized.


3. Assessment

The assessment will take into account

  • The content quality of the proposed project: is the project clear and well documented?
  • the feasibility and results orientation: is the project mature and will it lead smoothly to the intended result?
  • the geographical distribution and scale: are the charging points conveniently located -accessibility, distribution, ...- and does the rollout substantially contribute to the overall charging goals?

The decision may also take into account the fact that the project is already financially supported from the government in another way.


4. Apply

Project proposals can be submitted no later than September 1, 2021 by emailing the completed application form to and


5. Want to know more?

The link to the application form and all other info can be found on the website of the Department of Mobility and Public Works.


If you prefer to use our services for the submission of your subsidy file, please contact our subsidy expert