Like it or not, the corona crisis carries significant consequences for each of us. Common top priority is that we stay healthy and banish this unpleasant period to the history books as soon as possible. But this pandemic is not just impacting our health and social lives. With the jumble of support measures that the government keeps pulling out of its hat, an entrepreneur would sometimes forget what it's really all about: doing business. By means of the following checklist, we would like to help you quickly find your way through the many measures and give you a few tips, so that you can get on with your business, with enthusiasm!
View the overview of support measures here.
View the pdf format of the checklist here.
Checklist1. Apply for the trade lease loan
2. Try to renegotiate and communicate with your suppliersGive yourself some breathing room by requesting payment extensions from your suppliers and/or possibly renegotiating your payment terms. Communication is key.
3. Talk to your bankRequest payment deferral from banks for your current credits
4. Take a close look at your cost structureWhat costs, if any, can be temporarily postponed, reduced, or stopped?
5. Postpone or make sure you can reduce the payment of taxesThe FPS Finance allows repayment plans, waivers of certain fines and interest if the cause is attributable to Covid
6. Apply for corona supportIf you are based in Flanders, agree with your client manager whether or not you qualify for the new Flemish Protection Mechanism : premium of 10 % of turnover in period 01/10/2019 - 15/11/2019
7. Are you an employer?If you invoked at least one full continuous month of TW in the spring, you may be eligible for a partial withholding tax exemption for the summer months of 2020.
Do you have any questions about the support measures or would you like to discuss any changes that the crisis may bring to your company? Do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach us at any time on 051 26 82 68 or by e-mail at |