During Waregem Koerse, there is also the annual Horse Race4Brain. A duo race aimed at informing a wide audience about the importance of healthy brains and the rising number of brain disorders. Titeca pro accountants & experts is participating in this race for the first time, placing West Flanders entrepreneur Dieter Vyncke in his sulky.
Together with seven other teams, Titeca will compete in a trotting competition at the historic hippodrome of van Waregem. None other than Dieter Vyncke, entrepreneur pur sang, will take a seat in the sulky. That does not happen just like that, knows Bram Cornelis, partner and office manager in Waregem: "As soon as we decided to participate in the Horse Race4Brain it was clear to us that we wanted to put one of our client-entrepreneurs in the sulky. With Titeca we assist entrepreneurs with every life-defining decision in their lives. Both professionally and personally. Such a top experience in front of 35,000 spectators we certainly don't want to withhold from them either. Dieter Vyncke came out as the lucky one and may defend the colors of Titeca pro accountants & experts."
He is competing against a number of well-known Flemings including Emma Meesseman, Stig Broeckx and Jelle Vossen.
Good cause
The Horse Race4Brain also has a charity associated with it. Each team donates its prize money to a charity. Titeca chose Somival as its charity. As a G-Sport club, they have been active in Waregem for more than 40 years, offering activities such as horseback riding and swimming. Bram picks up: "We wanted to donate our amount to a Waregem association. Somival fits perfectly into this picture. The enthusiasm they radiate around their operations, that's also how we like to do things." With the funds won, Somival will be able to purchase the necessary equipment to also offer an aquagym activity to those interested.