This one-time premium of 3,000 euros will go to companies that were not required to close, but suffered a loss of turnover of at least 60% as a result of the corona measures taken. The first payments will already be made this week.
These are companies in, for example, the events sector where many freelancers also work, but also rental companies or caterers. Or medical and paramedical professions such as physiotherapists and speech therapists. But also stores in essential services such as a praline store or wine merchant who have far fewer visitors and therefore a much lower turnover. Just like painters or plumbers who can only carry out urgent repair work.
What does the compensation premium look like?
- It is a one-time compensation premium of €3,000
- The decrease in sales is at least 60% in the period between March 14, 2020 and April 30, 2020 compared to the same period last year (or other relevant period)
- The decline in sales is due to the corona measures taken
- For startups, this involves a decrease in revenue of at least 60% from their filed financial plan
For self-employed persons in secondary occupation, the amount of the premium depends on their professional income. If a self-employed person with a professional income of more than 13,993.78 euros can appeal for the premium of 3,000 euros. If they have an income between 6,996.89 euros and 13,993.78 euros then they can appeal for a compensation premium of 1,500 euros. The premium of EUR 1,500 also applies to the same group of self-employed persons in secondary occupation who are obliged to take out insurance.
The premium can be applied for from now on at The application must be submitted online by June 30, 2020.
How to apply for this premium can be found here:
Compensation premium Walloon and Brussels region
As far as the Walloon variant of the compensation premium is concerned, this cannot be applied for yet. We will continue to follow this closely in Brussels and will provide you with the necessary updates.
If you would like more information about this, please contact us at 051 26 82 68 or via email at