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Titeca Pro Accountants & Experts pushes sustainable governance with its cybersecurity tips & tricks

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As an entrepreneur, you find yourself in an increasingly digital world. You store documents and customer data on your PC, server or cloud. You simply send or receive invoices via e-mail or completely electronically. And you can monitor your figures online 24/7. Easy and sustainable, because that way you also help eliminate the paper mountain. But did you know that sustainability is also about the security of your data?

In what ways can we protect our digital workplace so that it can last forever? How can we maintain our continuity as an organization? In what ways do we keep the door closed to outside malicious actors? These are questions that Gunther Kint, IT employee at Titeca pro accountants & experts, deals with it daily. "It is an illusion that only the largest companies are a target for hackers. Cybersecurity is everyone's business."


Why is cybersecurity such an important part of business continuity?

More and more organizations work primarily with digital data. Suppose a hacker organization gains virtual access to a digital environment, it shuts down the programs, locks down the systems and steals the data. In that case, you as an organization can no longer provide your services (temporarily). But even worse: the stolen data of yourself and your clients can end up on the dark web, a closed part of the Internet that is difficult to monitor by authorities. Fortunately, there are countless ways to secure your digital data. And the great thing is: everyone can contribute. At Titeca, every employee takes responsibility for ensuring that the proverbial door stays shut.


How exactly does that happen?

On the one hand, we work with an increasingly intelligent antivirus system and a sophisticated multi-layered system for our e-mail, Web and network security. Think of it as a fortress with a drawbridge, a ditch, a wall and barbed wire. If someone's password did leak, there are many other technical layers that ensure we stay safe.

On the other hand, we train all our colleagues and also continue within this theme #growing together. We provide various trainings through a continuously running academy and we also do phishing simulations to keep people vigilant.

Through an automated tool, our employees are sent fake phishing emails. These are very realistic, just as they occur in reality to obtain login credentials, credit card information, PIN numbers or other personal information. When colleagues report the e-mail, they either get a notification that they detected the e-mail correctly or a message that the reported e-mail did not originate from our campaign. Because sometimes that's what happens. Our systems, made up of multiple layers, stop a lot. But sometimes emails slip through the cracks. Then our colleagues form a human firewall.


Who all constitutes a target for hackers?

Every company is a target anyway. We are aware that cybersecurity is an afterthought for many people, but it is an illusion that only large companies are specifically targeted. Hackers buy lists of email addresses on the dark web and send thousands of emails at once. So regardless of the size of your company, your e-mail address could be in such a list. Think of it as fishermen on the sea casting their net as wide as possible. That net catches everything it encounters along the way, both large and small fish.

If your data is important to you, it is certainly important to someone else. So being involved in cybersecurity is a must for everyone. If you don't have the people or knowledge yourself, it's best to get assistance from a good IT partner who will take the time to guide you through digital security.


Is that expensive, bringing in a partner like that?

It's a cost that it's best to budget for. Of course, you can also ask the question in reverse: how much does it cost for your business to be down? Or how much does it cost your customers to see their data appear on the dark web? That cost often runs much higher than security solutions tailored to your environment. Not every IT environment looks the same. Some organizations have a server, others operate entirely in the cloud. At the end of the day, it's important that everything is secure. Of course, the price depends on the overall picture you want to protect. I don't think there is such a thing as an overpriced solution, just the right solution.


How do you frame cybersecurity within wellness?

Cybersecurity allows us to bring security and peace of mind. Not only for our customers, but also for our employees. That passion to make sure everything runs smoothly drives us. The real threat will always be there, but that shouldn't stress or worry our colleagues. We want them to be able to sleep on both their ears. So as IT professionals, we make sure that our colleagues can do their jobs as efficiently and pleasantly as possible, thanks to software that is user-friendly in the foreground and secure in the background. At any time and anywhere: at home, at a customer's or even in the airport lounge.

This is something that is certainly challenging, but in which Titeca is very strong. I dare say the bar has been set very high for our sustainable IT policy. Being allowed to be that essential link between technology and people makes our job incredibly fascinating. By relieving our colleagues in this way, we at IT can truly 1TP4Making an impact.


What is the biggest challenge within cybersecurity?

Staying ahead of the future. Cybersecurity is an ongoing process where we proactive, productive and professional with it. It's not something you install and then never look back at. Hacker organizations are specialized companies. Their methods are constantly evolving, so it goes without saying that you yourself are always looking at what can be improved. What comes the day after tomorrow? And then what should we do to provide ongoing support for the organization so that our colleagues can be undisturbed #realizing dreams for our customers?

Because in the end, that's what it's all about: ensuring that Titeca's business is safeguarded thanks to secure, technical work tools. Privacy, even in the digital realm, is a human right. We protect that privacy in every possible way, thanks to our advanced cybersecurity. In that area, too, we are our customers' main confidant. AI will play an increasing role in that in the future. We are, of course, already looking at how we can take advantage of those new tools. That way the door will always remain securely closed!



Cybersecurity tips for your business


1 - User awareness training

Include your employees in the story of cybersecurity and organize regular training sessions. Tip: Do like Titeca and write out a collective bonus. Do colleagues attend all the sessions? Then there's a nice benefit attached.

2 - Two-step verification

Perhaps one of the most important parts of your online security. Building in multiple layers of security is not an option, it is a must.

3 - Antivirus

Protect your PCs, servers and mailboxes with an advanced, intelligent antivirus program. Don't forget your cloud security. Know that any device can contain a virus, including your iPhone or Android smartphone.

4 - Backups

Make sure your data and systems are secured in multiple backups. System failure is never 100% out of the question, but backups protect the continuity of your business and ensure a smooth restart without data loss.

5 - Insurance

Get a good insurance that will cover the damage suffered by your company in case of cybercrime. Not insured yet? Contact your insurance agent.



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