Legislation for sustainability reporting in Belgium delayed

sustainability reporting

Alle Europese lidstaten hadden tot 6 juli de tijd om de Europese wetgeving rond duurzaamheidsrapportering (CSRD) om te zetten in nationale wetgeving. België heeft deze deadline niet gehaald, waardoor er op vandaag nog geen compleet overzicht is hoe deze duurzaamheidsrapportering er zal uitzien in België. De mogelijkheden om op nationaal niveau af te wijken van […]

BOFISC and Titeca merge under the Titeca family

From left to right we see the following persons: Frank Soenen (Director Bofisc Roeselare), Bram Cornelis (Managing Partner Titeca), Xavier Pattyn (Director Bofisc Tax & Legal), Jurka Vanthournout (CEO Titeca), Emmanuel Titeca (Chairman Board of Directors Titeca), Brecht Vanderper (Director Bofisc Ardooie), Jelle Vandewalle (Director Bofisc Houtland), Günther Mullier (Director Bofisc West)

Titeca pro accountants & experts, one of the leading leaders within accountancy, and renowned industry peer BOFISC are proud to announce that as of July 1, 2024, they will move into the future as one family, under the name Titeca pro accountants & experts. This strategic move not only strengthens the market position of both organizations, but also [...]

Titeca achieves Voka Charter for Sustainable Business

It's official: On Thursday, June 27, 2024, Titeca pro accountants & experts was awarded the Voka Charter Duurzaam Ondernemen, a special recognition and reward for the successful implementation of various sustainable initiatives. "The laureateship is a beautiful confirmation of who we are: a future-proof organization that wants to make #impact in a positive way [....]

New COO strengthens Titeca pro accountants & experts' future-proof vision

Earlier this year, Titeca announced new CEO Jurka Vanthournout. She in turn is now joining forces with COO Dieter Debo. "In recent years, together with former General Manager Lizbeth Nowé, we have built a strong label around Titeca, awarded titles such as Great Place to Work and Laureate Voka Charter Sustainable [...]

Demolition and reconstruction projects in transition - action required by 30/06/2024


Until the end of 2023, it was possible for property developers to sell rebuilt housing after demolition under certain conditions at the reduced VAT rate of 6%. However, for projects that had started in 2023 or earlier, the legislature provided for a transitional arrangement whereby the VAT on tranches charged in 2024 could still [...]

What do you need to know about directors' liability?

directors' liability

Exercising a directorship in a company is not without risks. Indeed, directors can be held liable for the damage they cause to the company or to third parties as a result of a breach or error in the performance of their mandate. Moreover, soon, due to a recent change in the law, contracting parties of a company will be able to hold directors of [...]

Deadline to amend bylaws for certain corporate forms: 30/06 approaches...

articles of association

Following the introduction of the Companies and Associations Code (CCC) in 2019, several company forms were scrapped, while other company forms were given a more modern interpretation (such as the BV(BA) or the NV). Following this, all Belgian companies were required to conform their articles of association to the provisions of the new Code. In doing so, [...]