VSME-standaarden: duurzaamheidsrapportering op maat van kmo’s

sustainability reporting

De nieuwe VSME-standaard is in ontwikkeling en zal begin 2025 worden afgerond. Dit vrijwillige raamwerk biedt kmo’s een praktische en toegankelijke manier om duurzaamheidsrapporten op te stellen. Maar waarom is dit relevant voor jouw onderneming?   Wat is de VSME en voor wie is het bedoeld? De VSME (Voluntary Sustainability Reporting Standard for SMEs) is […]

Extension of EPC requirement non-residential buildings

Over the past few weeks, the Flemish Energy and Climate Agency has sent informative letters to many companies, public buildings and care institutions about the EPC for non-residential buildings. These letters state that every non-residential building with a usable floor area of more than 1,000 m² must have an EPC NR (non-residential) as of January 1, 2025. [...]

Ambtshalve doorhaling in de KBO: wat betekent het en hoe voorkom je het?


Als ondernemer in België is het cruciaal om je wettelijke verplichtingen rond registratie in de Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen (KBO) na te komen. Doe je dat niet, dan loop je het risico op ambtshalve doorhaling. Dit kan ernstige gevolgen hebben, zoals het verlies van bevoegdheden om je activiteiten uit te voeren. In dit artikel leggen we […]

Project development: how to avoid surprises in publicity and brokerage fees


In residential real estate projects, it is common for the landowner and the owner of the structures to be different parties. This structure offers tax advantages, but recent case law shows that it is not without risks. In particular, the allocation of publicity and brokerage fees can lead to unexpected VAT costs. Find out how to stay prepared as a property developer. Land [...]

Titeca is once again proud partner of the JCI West Flanders Young Entrepreneur event

At Titeca pro accountants & experts, we are committed every day to supporting entrepreneurship and creating growth opportunities for businesses. This is why we are particularly proud to once again act as lead partner for this year's election of the JCI West Flanders Young Entrepreneur 2025. This event, organized by JCI West Flanders, awards young entrepreneurship in [...].

Major VAT changes from 2025: here's what you need to know

Titeca - services - wealth planning

From January 1, 2025, the VAT rules in Belgium will change in three main areas: VAT returns, VAT credits, and VAT procedures. These changes modernize processes and give VAT Administration more clout. Find out below what these changes could mean for you. 1. New rules for VAT returns Submission deadline for quarterly returns is extended New deadline: No later than the 25th of the [...]

Stricter rules around employment of non-EU citizens in construction sector from 2025


Vanaf 1 januari 2025 voert de Vlaamse Regering bijkomende maatregelen in om illegale tewerkstelling van derdelanders (niet-EU burgers) verder terug te dringen. Als ondernemer is het cruciaal om nu al stappen te ondernemen om aan de nieuwe regelgeving te voldoen en zware sancties te vermijden. Update: de deadline van 1 januari 2025 om de benodigde […]

Aid zones expand: wage cost reduction for SMEs and enterprises

Since November 1, 2024, SMEs in West and East Flanders can benefit from a wage cost reduction of 4% to 5% on new jobs created by investments in an assisted area. Large enterprises can also benefit from this support measure in certain municipalities. The labor cost reduction consists of an exemption of 25% from the withholding tax payment during [...]